To ensure the safety of our patients and staff we have implemented changes to almost every aspect of our office. These steps go well beyond the recommendations of the American Dental Association, the CDC and Department of Health. We have gone to this level of effort because we have always believed our patients deserve not what is required but the very best in safety and treatment possible.
Some of these changes have involved significant investment in technology and equipment to remove and treat the aerosols created by our procedures and continual scrubbing of the office air to provide “surgically clean air” at all times. Much of this equipment has not been previously necessary or available for the dental office and has been created or modified in response to this highly contagious virus. As testing for the virus becomes faster and more available you can be sure we will be incorporating it as well
Our Team
We have conducted specific training for each of our team members in the additional procedures made necessary by the COVID 19 pandemic to ensure the safety of our patients.
Each team member is evaluated when they arrive at the office. A health questionnaire is filled out and documented. Each team member takes their temperature and pulse oxygen level and the results are documented every day. Anyone exhibiting symptoms or exposure will be sent home.
The dress code for team members has been changed. Clinical team members will change into scrubs when they arrive at the office and don personal protective equipment (PPE) including disposable treatment gowns, gloves, masks, and while treating patients, the use of face shields.
A splash shield has been added to our front desk to insure social isolation of our team members and patients.
Patient Arrival and Scheduling
Every patient will go through a questionnaire to evaluate their possible exposure to COVID 19 at the time of their appointment. We will not be using our reception room and patients will wait in their car in our parking lot. At the time of their appointment we will call the patient on their cell phone and the patient will have their temperature and pulse oxygen taken prior to going directly to the treatment room. Patients will be provided hand sanitizer and be asked to wear masks or face coverings at all times while not being treated.
Our daily patient schedule has been modified to minimize the possibility of any exposure to COVID 19. For patients over 60 or immunocompromised we will make available the first treatment times of the day. Additional time has been added to each appointment to avoid having patients interact with each other and to permit the complete sanitizing of treatment rooms and other areas.
To minimize patients’ exposure we will be completing treatment in as few visits as possible.
We have always been at the forefront in minimizing the impact our treatment has on our patients lives and schedules. Our use of “no shot” “no drill” lasers for many cavities, CAD-CAM single visit crowns, and CAD computer guided implants have allowed us to accomplish treatment in fewer visits.
While being treated we will use a new extra oral suction that effectively removes and disinfects the aerosol created by our instruments and each of our treatment rooms as well as other areas of the office are now equipped with devices that continually scrub and disinfects the air in the room.
What this means for YOU
As our patients know, and you can find out by reading our reviews on Google and elsewhere, this is NOT your typical dental office and our response to this global pandemic will be just as atypical. As in every part of our dental treatment we will combine caring attention to every detail with the most advanced technology to provide safe, comfortable, and effective treatment.
More Info
Contact Us
- Advanced Dentistry of Westchester
- Kenneth S. Magid, DDS, FICD
- Sabrina Magid-Katz, DMD
- 163 Halstead Ave. • Harrison, NY 10528
- (914) 835-0542